The project “It is all about love” is mobility of young people – youth exchange that is organized in Popova Shapka, North Macedonia from 22nd to 29th of August 2021. It brings 36 young people and youth leaders from North Macedonia, Italy, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Hungary and Slovenia in order to promote mutual understanding and intercultural learning by allowing them to discover new cultures and traditions and to encourage their active participation in society.

Multiculturalism is the hallmark of our modern societies. Especially, if we want to develop sense of belonging to the common European idea and EU citizenship, we must learn about each other. Mutual understanding is the first step of building a community where differences are accepted as a condition for a prosperous life. It’s proven that learning and accepting different cultures is a catalyst for progress. Many of the problems we have in this world are due to misunderstandings. When you learn about another culture and see why others do the things they do, it’s easier to understand them. You can develop sympathy with others. It’s harder to justify things like hatred and war when you understand where another person is coming from. Learning about other cultures allows you to move outside your own bubble, and find new ways of thinking, and new ways of approaching problems.

One of the best ways to get into the depth of other culture is through a marriage ceremony. It’s one of the most universal traditions in the world. But it’s celebrated differently by everyone. The marriage act has certain rules and patterns that change around the world, shaped by different cultures and entailing traditions and customs that define a particular society. Marriage ceremonies incorporate a number of preparations and phases leading up to the actual act. These stages include religious and even superstitious practices. At each phase, the implementation of a variety of common practices, customs and traditions have become obligatory, almost like rules and principles that govern this ritual act. Each and every society, in compliance with certain rules and practices conforming to their culture, has developed its own particular ways of executing this event. For example, one of the components of marriage ceremonies is the symbolic expression of the new status of the bride and groom through an alteration of their physical appearance. Change in clothing style or hairstyle and the exchange and wearing of wedding rings or other types of jewelry such as ankle bracelets, are a few of the ways that this ceremony is performed in different cultures. Different customs, different traditions, but what binds them is love.

We developed the project proposal “It is all about love” as a youth exchange in order to explore the cultural universal of marriage and wedding ceremonies in different countries as a way for young people to appreciate and learn more about different cultures, traditions and religions. The project provided young people with an opportunity to exchange and share concerns, experiences, knowledge and ideas among one-others on various topics.

The aim of the project was to bring together 36 young people and youth leaders from different cultural backgrounds in order to promote mutual understanding and intercultural learning by allowing them to discover new cultures and traditions and to encourage their active participation in society.


  • To foster mutual understanding, intercultural learning and cooperation between 36 young people and youth leaders from different cultures and differently developed local areas;
  • To promote language learning and linguistic diversity through creative non-formal education methods;
  • To stimulate young people’s spirit of initiative, creativity and active participation in society;
  • To promote and improve participants’ attitudes towards cultural diversity in different local and national realities;
  • To develop young people’s sense of belonging to the common European idea and European citizenship;
  • To foster international cooperation and partnership building between youth organizations from 7 European countries for working on cultural and diversity projects;
  • To promote Erasmus+ programme as tool to work with young people as well as for encouraging active youth participation.


The youth exchange used methods that are based on non-formal and experiential education in order to provide all the participants with the information needed to enhance their learning process, but also in order to create an inclusive and learner-centered learning environment. Participants were actively creating the program by participating in all presentations, discussions and activities as well as by providing feedback. All participants also had the chance to plan, facilitate and evaluate some of the activities – the presentations and simulations of wedding ceremonies in their countries as well as the intercultural evenings. Methods that were used included: getting-to-know each other, ice-breakers and team building, energizers, discussions, debates, working in groups, learning-by-doing activities, peer-to-peer work, simulations, presentations, analysis and comparison, theatre and role-playing, personal and group reflections, open-space and outdoor activities.

The project “It is All About Love” is funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union through the Key Action 1: Mobility for young people and granted by the Macedonian National agency for European educational programs and mobility.